The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

Title- The Thursday Murder Club
Author- Richard Osman
Publisher- Penguin
Format- Kindle Edition
Pages- 381
Rating- 4.5/5

Summary- In a retirement village, four residents, Ron, Joyce, Elizabeth and Ibrahim meet every Thursday to discuss about old unsolved murder cases and try to solve them until one day a real murder takes place. This encourages the four pensioners to pull up their sleeves and try to solve the case. However just as they think that they are on the right track to get hold of the killer, another person is murdered in a mysterious way which compels them to believe that their assumption so far was wrong.

Review- This is a cozy mystery book which I have enjoyed thoroughly. The writing style of the author proves that he has a very good sense of humour. Though it is hilarious, there are also parts which will surely bring tears to the reader's eyes. One will get an idea about the lifestyle of aged people through this story and some quotes by the author will definitely make you ponder over what you have just read.

"Many years ago, everybody here would wake early because there was a lot to do and only so many hours in the day. Now they wake early because there is a lot to do and only so many days left."

The mystery is unraveled brilliantly as one proceeds through the book and almost till the end I had no idea about who the real killer was.                  The main characters in the story include Ron, Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim, PC Donna De Freitas and DCI Chris Hudson. Ibrahim, a psychiatrist, still attends to his patients at home. Joyce is a soft-spoken person who was a nurse and who loves to cook. Ron was a famous trade union leader. Elizabeth, the founder of the Thursday Murder Club, is the cleverest one and she seems to have connections with almost anyone. She gets a clue about everything even before the police. These people have a good rapport amongst themselves and often you will laugh your head off when reading about their conversations. PC Donna desperately wants to be a part of a murder investigation but never gets a chance, however, this case somehow fulfills that dream of hers. On the other hand, DCI Chris Hudson who is leading the investigation is a lonely man and a foodie. Elizabeth's wit leaves the police with no choice but to share their leads with The Thursday Murder Club.
                Though some parts of the book near the end seemed to me as unrealistic and impossible in real life scenario, in a nutshell this was a delightful read and I would highly recommend this book to all book lovers. 

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