A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes

Title- A Thousand Ships
Author- Natalie Haynes
Publisher- Picador
Format- Kindle Edition
Pages- 321
Rating- 4/5

Summary-In Greek mythology, when Helen, the wife of Greek prince Menelaus, eloped with Trojan prince Paris, the Greeks waged war against the Trojans to bring back Helen. The Trojan war, which lasted for ten years led to the downfall of the city of Troy at the hands of the Greeks. This book tells us about the various events which led to the war, the war and its outcome from the perspective of women (both mortal and immortal) who were affected by it.

Review- In case of war we always hail the men who fight it but give little thought about the women whom they have left behind at home. In reality, the wife of a warrior who is raising and taking care of his baby when he is away deserves no less praise as she is fighting a war of her own. In this book the author has focused on the women who were affected by the Trojan war by giving them a voice. The fact that the author has portrayed the whole idea of the war in such short a book without causing any confusion is really impressive.
                This book is divided into many chapters which are named by the characters whose story the reader will get to know. We get to meet Achilles's mother Thetis, Odysseus's wife Penelope, Hector's wife Andromache and many more. The author has successfully broken the monotony by writing Penelope's chapters in the form of letters to her husband Odysseus. If there are sad parts where a mother loses her son and a wife has to wait for twenty long years for her husband's return, there are also humorous parts where the goddesses fight amongst themselves for a golden apple.
                I would have liked it more if there was atleast a chapter dedicated to Helen for whom the war was fought. Though she is present in the book but an exclusive chapter dedicated to her would have satiated my hunger. I understand that may be the author has skipped it to bring to light the other characters who are lesser known to others, but I would have loved to know her side of the story.
                This was definitely an interesting read for me. Folks who are interested in retellings of Greek mythology must check this out.

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  1. I just finished reading the book, and I am more than grateful to your blog which brought this wonderful read to my knowledge, otherwise I would have never come to know about this book. Totally agree with your review, apart from intriguing the reader, it also gives an essence of the story without any spoilers. Thanks once again, you are doing a great job for us fellow readers, kudos.
