Our Georgia by Lynnette Williams with Robin Eveleigh

Title- Our Georgia
Author- Lynnette Williams with Robin Eveleigh
Publisher- Mardle Books
Rating- 4/5

Summary- Georgia Williams was only seventeen years old when she was brutally killed by her friend Jamie Reynolds. The case was so disturbing that it had made headlines during the time and had almost shook the country. During that time, her father, Steve, was a detective in the murder squad of West Mercia Police. The saddest part was, during the process of investigation, it was found out that Georgia's murder could have been prevented. The same force with which Steve worked, had previous knowledge that Jamie was a sexual predator but had allowed him to slip out of their hands few years before Georgia was killed. In this book, Georgia's mother, Lynnette, describes the events before the murder, the investigation, the trial and how with the help of Steve, she exposed the shortcomings of West Mercia Police.

Review-It is a heart wrenching memoir which is bound to shake any human being. To lose a child is a loss which can never be compensated, but to lose one in such a horrific way is indescribable. While reading the book, one can well understand the pain Georgia's family and close ones had gone through when she was brutally murdered. The knowledge that psychopaths like Jamie exist amongst us can make anyone feel unsafe.
                 I was awed at the author's strength to revisit her traumatic moments in order to put to words the injustice she and her family had faced when Georgia was killed.
                 This book taught me that even in developed countries like the United Kingdom, unprofessionalism and corruption exist in the police force. I would highly recommend others to read this book to know how one incident can plunge a whole family into darkness.
                 I would like to thank NetGalley, the author and publisher for a DRC of this book.

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