A Killing At Smugglers Cove by Michelle Salter

Title- A Killing At Smugglers Cove
Author- Michelle Salter
Publisher- Boldwood Books
Rating- ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5/5

Summary- It is July 1923 when Iris Woodmore has come to Devon to attend her father's wedding to Katherine Keats. She is not happy with the wedding as she has still not come out of the grief of losing her mother. Iris has been accompanied by her friends, Millicent and Percy. However, things take a different turn when Millicent uncovers a skeleton hidden in a cave on the private beach of Katherine's former home. When another murder occurs within a few days of discovering the skeleton, it is also somehow related to Katherine. So, Iris starts worrying about her father's life. Is Katherine is, what she claims or she is harbouring any secret? Is Mr Woodmore committing a mistake by marrying her? 

Review- This book is a part of the Iris Woodmore mystery series, a historical cosy mystery series by the same author. It was an enjoyable read and I loved the style of storytelling. While reading, one can get an idea about the author's fabulous sense of humour. The way the mystery is weaved into the story deserves praise. Though it is set a few years after World War 1, it mentions the atrocities of the same.
                Iris Woodmore is a journalist who lands herself in trouble wherever she goes and this statement is proved right when her friend Millicent discovers skeletal remains while exploring the beach with Percy and her. She is always sneaking for a story as a journalist should be. With her quick wit, she helps in solving this mystery. In this book, one gets to learn how she is still coping with her mother's death even after nine years. She cannot accept the fact that her father is getting married again and that is reflected in her dislike for Katherine. So, when the skeleton is discovered near her future stepmother's previous home and another murder occurs which is also linked to Katherine, Iris becomes suspicious of her.
                I loved the story and though I did not read any other book in the series, I did not face any trouble. I think other readers will adore it as well. I would definitely check out the other books in this series.
                I want to thank the author, publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a DRC of this book.

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